Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Darby Canyon Ride with Brandon

Darby Canyon on the west side of the Tetons
Winter is slowly starting in Teton Valley.  Even though December is just a few days away, we still haven't gotten much snow on the valley floor.   But Brandon and I had some time off together, so we headed up to Darby Canyon for a fat bike ride with Siena.

Brandon loading up!
The trailhead was empty, which given it was Monday, wasn't really surprising.  Because there hasn't been much snow, the road is still passable to trucks quite a ways up the canyon.  Today, we'd have to follow the truck tracks until they ended then make our own path.  Brandon rode in front and laid down a really nice path for me, so I just rode on his wheel all the way up the canyon.

Brandon riding in front

It snowed this past weekend, so although we started riding in just a few inches of fresh snow, by the time we hit the upper part of the Canyon there was easily 8 to 10 inches of fresh, sugary snow.   Brandon rode until he had to push, just a few yards from the trail's end, and we turned around and coasted back down to the car.
Siena loves Fat Biking

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